This introductory Access module focuses on providing any general user with the tools to grasp the purpose and features of a database as well as input data through forms or retrieve data through selection queries.

  • Review the objectives of a database and its objects (tables, queries, forms, reports).
  • Customize the ribbon and quick access toolbar.
  • Make use of tabs, the navigation pane, search options, contextual menus, the status bar and views.
  • Understand files format and Access options.
  • Add, modify, and delete a record in the database.
  • Find, replace, sort, filter and display records.
  • Understand the types of queries and the methods to create them.
  • Hide, rename, delete, move, sort, add, filter and link queries and tables.
  • Define query criteria based on multiple date, text and numeric fields.
  • Add calculated fields with operators and functions.
  • Define parameters to interact with the query result.
  • Group data to create statistics and aggregations.

Prices are without Tax.

Get in touch with us to schedule this course focusing on inputting and retrieving data in Access or to get a quote for custom content.