Find out about our various Microsoft 365 Administrators training modules: from reviewing the most basic admin steps to a full-blown administrator.
Knowing the key user
concepts of MS 365
1 Day – 490€ / 540€
Learn all the required user concepts if you are interested in administering MS 365 from sharing files to understanding the relationships between Teams, SharePoint and OneDrive and having an overview of how the collaborative tools work.
A first step into MS 365
General Administration
1 Day – 490€ / 540€
Get a first head start in administering Microsoft 365 by reviewing the most standard everyday admin tasks such as creating users and groups or assigning licences.
General Overview of
Microsoft 365 Administration
3 Days – 1300€ / 1400€
Review the key aspects and features within the most important administration consoles (the general MS 365 admin, Exchange, SharePoint, Teams, Purview, Defender) and understand how to synchronize accounts from a local AD.
SharePoint and Teams Administrator
3 Days – 1450€ / 1600€
Dive deeper into the SharePoint and Teams administration console and grasp the concepts and features that will make you the collaboration masterpiece in the work environment.
Collaborate and Administer
the Power BI Service
3 Days – 1450€ / 1600€
If you need to manage workspaces, provide access to reports, setup gateways and define what can be done in your Power BI tenant, then this course is for you.
Find out what else
we could do for you
Any level, any objectives
We have a lot more to offer when it comes to Microsoft 365. We can teach you, guide you and assist you with SharePoint, Teams, Access as well as Administration.
Happy to help
We can assist you whatever plan or format you have in mind:
- Focused training, long-term support, development project
- One-to-one coaching, group sessions, workshops
- Any Microsoft software or app, in French or in English
- Face-to-face or online