This is a standard Visio session reviewing the key steps to draw diagrams efficiently. Feel free to get in touch for more straight-to-the-point or more in-depth content.

  • Customize the ribbon and quick access toolbar.
  • Consider views, version history, the Selection pane.
  • Understand the Backstage menu and the status bar.
  • Open and manage Visio drawings.
  • Prepare your work environment.
  • Select objects efficiently.
  • Review important shortcuts.
  • Insert guidelines.
  • Insert and customize a shape.
  • Manipulate, organize, and connect shapes.
  • Insert and format text.
  • Create and customize a template.
  • Rearrange pages.
  • Set a page layout.
  • Change the display and configure stencils.
  • Protect et unprotect forms.
  • Create and use layers.
  • Annotate diagrams.
  • Manage containers.
  • Input data and properties for a shape.
  • Use data-based graphs.
  • Introduce links between data.
  • Generate reports.
  • Incorporate external items (images, CAD, Excel charts) – requires an additional half-day for a comprehensive detailed approach.
  • Set up a cross-functional flowchart.
  • Build a hierarchical organizational chart.

Prices are without Tax.

Get in touch with us to schedule this course providing the key techniques to work the right way with Visio or to get a quote for custom content.